Women face multiple obstacles while entering into public sphere
for employment. These obstacles can be categorized as socio-cultural,
religious, ideological and institutional. These are strongly embedded into the
women lives due to socialization process. The gendered socialization of male
and female creates gender division of labor, due to which women are largely
excluded from public sphere. Gender inequalities are declining across different
regions, cultures and traditions, but the growth is very slow and the gender
inequalities are more evident in those countries where population is increasing
very fast
Pakistan, women are also facing different challenges due to the male
domination and unflavored able working conditions at work place. In
Pakistan majority of institutions are dominated by men, and constructs such as
masculine structure of institutions with masculine values, behaviors’ and
expectations. Historically, the department of police remains male
dominated, women in police have low participation and influence throughout the
history. In Pakistan women representation in police department is evident to be
very low. Due to the socio-cultural norms and religious beliefs women have
always been discouraged to join the police force, as it is considered
unconventional for women, as a result the police department becomes
male dominated from top to bottom, at
police station level and as well as
at the policy and planning levels. On the other hand, the department
working conditions are more protective of the male needs and interest. Less
than 1% of police women of total police force are employed in Pakistan and they
are not even given any senior ranks. The daunting image of policing as a male
profession and a career unsuitable for women does deter their entry
Women officials always give their kids and household responsibilities as
an excuse for not doing their job properly. They get the same training which is
for men so they should understand that they have to give proper time to their
jobs”. As there were two categories of women inducted into the police force:
1. 1 Married 2
unmarried women were not facing that many problems, as the married women do.
Unmarried women mostly have their residence within the police station, while
the married women were residing outside the police station even in the far
flung areas, their coming and going back to homes was a problematic daily basis
activity that was due to non-provision of pick and drop facility by the police
department.The police women after discharging their duties even in the late
evening have to travel by public transport, if available, or by costly taxi
service which was not easily available everywhere, they have to wait for a
reasonable time to get a conveyance to reach their homes, which was creating
problems between the wife and husband and also other senior family members who
kept on waiting for their arrival for hours
Suggestion to Government of Pakistan:
1.1. Parents
support his daughter and help to solving their problems.
- It is important and it is essential
for police women that working timing should be fixed then they can handle
their home and work bitterly.
- Without husband’s support a wife cannot
progress in any field, it is important that husband should be supported.
- Give awareness about the profession
of women police then society give respect to the police women.
- Women should be
economically strong because of their job, a husband try to understand that
working women can support their home and support their husband bitterly.
- There should be separate police
station for women police like in Lahore.
Women officials always give their kids and household responsibilities as
an excuse for not doing their job properly. They get the same training which is
for men so they should understand that they have to give proper time to their
jobs”. As there were two categories of women inducted into the police force:
1. 1 Married 2
unmarried women were not facing that many problems, as the married women do.
Unmarried women mostly have their residence within the police station, while
the married women were residing outside the police station even in the far
flung areas, their coming and going back to homes was a problematic daily basis
activity that was due to non-provision of pick and drop facility by the police
department.The police women after discharging their duties even in the late
evening have to travel by public transport, if available, or by costly taxi
service which was not easily available everywhere, they have to wait for a
reasonable time to get a conveyance to reach their homes, which was creating
problems between the wife and husband and also other senior family members who
kept on waiting for their arrival for hours
Suggestion to Government of Pakistan:
1.1. Parents
support his daughter and help to solving their problems.
- It is important and it is essential
for police women that working timing should be fixed then they can handle
their home and work bitterly.
- Without husband’s support a wife cannot
progress in any field, it is important that husband should be supported.
- Give awareness about the profession
of women police then society give respect to the police women.
- Women should be
economically strong because of their job, a husband try to understand that
working women can support their home and support their husband bitterly.
- There should be separate police
station for women police like in Lahore.
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