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Pedestrians Distraction

Pedestrians mainly of the information at a crosswalk are obtained visually by examine traffic, see the markings and signage and observe the signs that point to when it is safe to walk. Pedestrians who try to multitask while talking on a cell phone have a reduced cognitive ability to devote to potentially unsafe activities such as crossing streets. The rise in use of individual electronics may be the main element in a formula for disaster especially around schools, campuses etc
Accident data confirming this dilemma is hard to find the records usually only describe death or injury from "pedestrian distraction". Many accident victims also refuse to admit that they were distracted when they got into the accident. It’s not just texting while walking that’s a problem. Talking, checking email, via social networking apps and even playing games all supply to the problem of distracted pedestrians.
Who talk on cell phones while cross streets are 43 percent more likely to be smack by a car than when their phones are turned off. By making the choice not to keep in distractive performance while crossing the street, pedestrians can make intersection and crosswalks safer for themselves. Despite the safety technologies available at a given crosswalk, one clear way to reduce potential accidents due to lack of concentration is to have both pedestrians and drivers choose not to appoint in activities that may divert them.
Who talks on cell phones while crossing streets are 43 percent more likely to be hit by a car than when their phones are turned off? By making the choice not to connect in distractive activities while crossing the street, pedestrians can make intersections and crosswalks safer for themselves. Regardless of the safety technologies existing at a given crosswalk, one clear way to decrease potential accidents due to carelessness is to have both pedestrians and drivers choose not to engage in activities that may distract them.
Distractions are Cell phone conversations Text messaging Listening to music [I-pod] Looking at something other than the direction of travel Waving away an insect Conversations with friends Eating on the run Looking at one’s watch, Attempting to find something in a backpack or luggage, Reading a book or newspaper Being lost in thought etc. It is main to note that looking is not always seeing, and distraction caused by any of the above activities could result in pedestrians either faults to look or looking but failing to see. They looked but failed to see phenomenon is not new and is not limited to pedestrians. It is important to note that mobile phones offer convenience and safeguard to families, including use in emergencies but they also may create risk. We need to balance the positives with improved knowledge on how cognitive distraction from mobile phone use reduces situation awareness, increases unsafe performance, putting pedestrians at bigger risk for accidents, and crime victimization. Pedestrian, Injuries due to Mobile Phone Use in Public Places.
Distracted driving is the act of driving while engaged in other activities such as looking after children, texting, talking on the phone or to a passenger, watching videos, eating, rubbernecking or reading. These activities take the driver's attention away from the road. All distractions compromise the safety of the driver, passengers, bystanders and those in other vehicles.
Distractions while driving can be separated into three distinct groups: visual, manual, and cognitive. Visual distraction involves taking one's eyes off the road, while manual distraction involves taking one's hands off the wheel. Cognitive distraction occurs when an individual's focus is not directly on the act of driving and his/her mind "wanders" Distractions influenced by the advancement of technology, especially text messaging or talking on the phone, can require a combination of visual, manual, and cognitive attention from the driver, thus making these types of distractions particularly dangerous. Smartphone Use While Walking Is Painfully Dumb
Texting while driving is the most widely reported form of "distracted driving", but it is not the only one. Having passengers in the vehicle, changing radio stations, searching for the cell phone charger, or putting make-up on are all distractions that can easily lead to an accident. According to a study completed by AAA Foundation for traffic wellbeing, 15 percent of the reported crash was due to a youngster driver distracted by talking with a passenger, while one more 12 percent of the crashes were because the youngster was on a cell phone talking, texting or finding for information while driving. The National Highway Traffic Safety management has dogged that distracted driving accounts for 25 percent of all crashes involving teenage drivers.
Distracted driving can be very dangerous and result in dreadful accidents. The severity can range from minor vehicle injure all the way up to a totaled, car and devastating injuries or possibly even fatalities. Each state has its own set of laws when it comes to distracted driving. It is important to verify what the penalties in your state are so you can educate young drivers and be more alert yourself.

Distraction itself is not new, but among drivers and pedestrians, it is a rising danger. Distractions such as eating, smoking, listening to the radio, talking to a fellow person along for the ride or anxiety about being lost, late or both have been issues for lots of years. Today, there is a world wide web of diversions, looking up directions on a Smartphone, reading an article on a tablet, talking or texting on cell phones. U.S. Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood has been passionate about confronting the challenge of distracted driving, the twin danger to distraction on foot. A recent danger for both drivers and pedestrians is the newly released Pokémon Go game that people play on their cell phones. Since the game is new, there are no statistics on how many accidents playing the game causes. However, both drivers and pedestrians are engaging in unsafe practices when playing the game. Pedestrians are not aware of their surroundings and can jaywalk and dart in front of vehicles in their quest to catch the Pokémon character. Equally or more dangerous, drivers are being caught playing the game while they are driving.


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